12 December 2007

Celebrating Hunting and Fishing

By Gordon McHenry

National Hunting and Fishing Day-the 36th annual, Congress-appointed, president-proclaimed celebration of hunters, anglers and conservation-is set for Sept. 22.
Over 100 years ago, hunters and anglers were the earliest and most vocal supporters of conservation and scientific wildlife management. Led by fellow sportsman President Theodore Roosevelt, these early conservationists called for the first laws restricting the commercial slaughter of wildlife. They urged sustainable use of fish and game, created hunting and fishing licenses, and lobbied for taxes on sporting equipment to provide funds for state conservation agencies.
Populations of white-tailed deer, elk, antelope, wild turkey, wood ducks and many other species began to recover from decades of unregulated exploitation.

During the next half-century, in addition to the funds they contributed for conservation and their diligent watch over the returning health of America’s outdoors, sportsmen worked countless hours to protect and improve millions of acres of vital habitat-lands and waters for the use and enjoyment of everyone.
In June 1971, Sen. Thomas McIntyre (N.H.) introduced Joint Resolution 117 in the U.S. Senate authorizing National Hunting and Fishing Day on the fourth Saturday of every September. Rep. Bob Sikes (Fla.) introduced an identical measure in the House. In early 1972, Congress unanimously passed both bills. On May 2, 1972, President Nixon signed the first proclamation of National Hunting and Fishing Day.

National, regional, state and local organizations staged some 3,000 "open house" hunting- and fishing-related events everywhere from shooting ranges to suburban frog ponds, providing an estimated four million Americans with a chance to experience, understand and appreciate traditional outdoor sports.
National Hunting and Fishing Day, celebrated the fourth Saturday of every September, remains the most effective grassroots effort ever undertaken to promote outdoor sports and conservation.

Hope you have made time to get out and enjoy the late summer trout bite. All of our mountain lakes are producing fish to 8+ pounds on Gulp! and Gulp! Eggs, Power Bait, Rapalas, and Super Dupers. Good fishing.

For more fishing info, check out Gordon’s CAFishingShow.com website. Readers may contact Gordon at (909) 337-6145, ext. 271.

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