The Mysterious of Fishing Trip
By Tjetjep Syarif Ali
The story mysterious about fishing trip in Situgede lake in Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, IndonesiaOnce day, my friend go to fishing trip in a Situgede lake. They together with several his son. In the night, after sunset, for a moment they seriously fishing, suddenly they heard about something fall in the water, in the middle lake.
They astounding, because that heard is something big. They surprised not know who falling a big stone or other something. If the falling is stone, why bigger extreme, and who the throw that. Because wave of lake is too large, until the wave of lake very shaky and their boat very wobbly.
On account of be afraid, they immediately bundled off go home, and leave the great lakes. Since that time, they afraid go to fishing goldfish.
After he tell to his friend, he is not understand and not believe about the accomplished fact. Be it possible to throw big stone is human being or not.
Situgede in region of Tasikmalaya West Java Indonesia is a recreation place and public entertainment amusement. To come in Situgede can be reached by vehicle of wheel two and wheel four. Its distance only some kilometre of downtown of Tasikmalaya, or around 112 km of direction of Bandung.
In place this recreation, besides visited many all foreign tourist and also domestic, also its people around often fish over there. In Situgede have been planted is multifarious of fish cultivating by government of Tasikmalaya, is also provided with boat medium to simply recreation over there.
Situgede have long history, where people clan of Sumedang may not sail or go up boat over there, because taboo.
According to story yore, there is a princess passing away in Situgede on the way its deportation, to avoid be race a king. In the middle of island of Situgede that is the princess it is said it him buried. So that legend story of Situgede that continue hereditary to citizen offspring of Tasikmalaya and its surroundings. Local government try to preserve Situgede, by developing its facilities and basic facilities.
There is story of differ from my friend. When someone getting many goldfish in place near by fishing of Situgede. If compared to friend in side he always get goldfish and input it to fishing rod.
At that time almost sunset. When he is input will goldfish to fishing rod and lifting its, sudden he dumb-found, because all fish exist in fishing rod altogether lose. Though its property fishing rod not destroy perforated alias nothing that.
After knowing that occurrence, he scuttle away and leave its friend which is. ***
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