20 August 2007


Let's Share Experience

Growth of place fishing, in reform era now, mushroom basin grow in the rains.
Along with increasing shop it sale of fishing rod appliance, ready of fishing pool even also expand very fast. Whether that ready or personal fishing place of fishing place, make devotee which simply channelling its his talent.

Its angler even also nowadays not predominate just by man, but women even also there which fond of to fishing. I am wish to share my experience about way of making bait exact. Even my friend give recipe bait secret. Why? Maybe my friend that only giving special recipe to me. While my other friend, which is rival notabene in recipe love festival fishing do not its. Do not worry he will not never mind, and I will share recipe with you.
One day, I witness someone fishing and get about 47 goldfish tail. Therefore is, Iucky of me get recipe from him. In fact, he give its recipe secret to me.

Maybe there are new netter hear there is Mancingromantis term. Why me use romantic word? To lover fishing goldfish, possible romantic word have is old stuff. Romantic cause here is a abbreviation word, meaning wholy is realy free fishing entourage.
Yes correctness, goldfish fishing free of charge. Mostly friend can carry out to fishing, because saking to the number of all executive which inviting us to follow to fish, may even exist sponsor. So that most fishing free of charge.

Many fun in management of romantic fishing (MancingRomantis), besides do not pay for, many its entertainment amusement to friend, even many new friend and silaturahmi.
In the reality hoby fish not only done by man, but there is also woman which like to fish. The example, Forest officer wife, and tradesman bait in Indihiang.

First Experience

Earn 8 Tail from 1 Kuintal

FORTHRIGHT, my background like to fish, when in the office friend invite fishing in order to SK Priangan anniversary.

Previous, I do not like fish more than anything else become nuts aboutly. But, because for the shake of and solidarity perfection of silaturahmi string with friend, I perforced to follow fish " formality" just. Its intention do not seriously go out desire of fishing from conscience.

Even when friend office leave in the morning to go to fish palce, oppositely, I come noon about at 11.00, going with my wife to pool property of Abub family in Cilembang Tasikmalaya area.

In place fishing even also I am only justly look on. But, when there my friend which loan fishing rod appliance, yes " perforced to" I follow fish also. At that time, because it is true only " formality", yes fish cannot a even also. But, my feeling at that time is not disappointed, differing from now, if cannot fish, " disaster" make me, he he.

Pipe one year later; I invited again fish in order to Sk Priangan anniversary. That place Fishing moment in pool property of Keman in Burujul Town Iake area.

That moment, I earn eight kilogram size measure fish tail three tail. Become can be conceived by the level of fish which I obtain;get.

Though planted fish about one goldfish kuintal (one kg size measure three or four).

Acquirement that Goldfish moment, I assess quite extraordinary to beginner angler like me.

So, after the time, I become addictive follow fish with friend. If Sk Priangan anniversary is always performed by fish race. And after the time of that always "pede", sure have never in " zong", just to eyebrow always earn fish.

Dapat 8 Ekor dari 1 Kuintal

TERUS terang, latar belakang saya suka mancing, ketika teman-teman se-kantor mengajak mancing dalam rangka ulang tahun SK Priangan.

Sebelumnya, saya tidak suka mancing apalagi menjadi tergila-gila. Tapi, karena demi kekompakan dan keutuhan tali silaturahmi dengan teman-teman, terpaksa saya ikut mancing "formalitas" saja. Maksudnya tidak sungguh-sungguh keluar keinginan mancing dari hati nurani.

Bahkan ketika teman-teman se-kantor berangkat mancing pagi-pagi, malah saya datang siang sekitar pukul 11.00, pergi bersama istri saya di kolam milik keluarga Abub di daerah Cilembang Tasikmalaya.

Di tempat pemancingan pun saya hanya menonton saja. Tapi, ketika ada teman saya yang meminjamkan alat pancing, ya "terpaksa" saya ikut mancing juga. Waktu itu, karena memang hanya "formalitas", ya tak dapat ikan seekor pun. Tapi, perasaan saya waktu itu tidak kecewa, berbeda dengan sekarang, kalau tak dapat ikan, "bencana" buat saya, he he.

Selang setahun kemudian, saya diajak lagi mancing dalam rangka ulang tahun Sk Priangan. Tempat pemancingan saat itu di kolam milik bpk Keman di daerah Burujul Kota Tasik.

Saat itu, saya dapat delapan ekor ikan ukuran sekilogram tiga ekor. Jadi bisa dibayangkan besarnya ikan yang saya peroleh. Padahal ikan yang ditanam sekitar satu kuintal ikan mas (ukuran sekilo tiga atau sekilo empat).

Perolehan ikan mas saat itu, saya nilai cukup luar biasa bagi pemancing pemula seperti saya.

Nah, sejak saat itu, saya menjadi ketagihan ikut mancing dengan teman-teman. Kalau ada ulang tahun Sk Priangan selalu diadakan lomba mancing. Dan sejak saat itu selalu "pede", pasti tak pernah di "zong", alis selalu saja dapat ikan.

Beli di Pasar

Sama-sama Beli di Pasar

MENGAPA saya suka mancing. Ceritanya memang panjang. Suatu ketika tetangga saya, si "A" berkata: "Kalau ingin ikan mah, udah saja beli di pasar". Sepintas perkataan itu memang agak menyinggung perasaan. Tapi, setelah dipikir-pikir, ternyata arti ucapan itu sama dengan alasan yang sering dilontarkan oleh si "B", penggemar mancing.

Para penggemar yang mempunyai hoby memancing ikan di kolam, sering pula melontarkan ucapan kepada orang yang tidak suka mancing, dengan perkataan: "Ya kalau ingin ikan mah beli saja di pasar. Kita mah bukan ingin ikan tapi ingin "disanggut" (bhs Sunda). Artinya ingin dapat ikan dari hasil pemancingan.

Sebab toh, tidak jarang ada anekdot, kalau seorang pemancing tidak dapat seekor ikan pun, ia akan pergi ke pasar membeli ikan mas segar, misalnya, sebagai "oleh-oleh" untuk dibawa ke rumah, supaya yang di rumah menganggap kita dapat ikan dari hasil mancing.

Jadi, perkataan si "A" dengan si "B" itu sama, yang artinya kalau ingin ikan harus pergi ke pasar. Tapi, konotasinya sungguh jauh berbeda

Si "A" berkata begitu karena maksudnya tidak usah repot-repot memancing ikan. Sedangkan si "B" menyalurkan bakat hobynya, karena toh kalau ingin dapat ikan yang mudah mah ya beli di pasar. Berbekal pengalaman itu, ternyata saya punya hoby memancing hingga sekarang.

Pengalaman pahit pertama ketika terjun ke dunia mancing di kolam pemancingan ikan mas "Bom-bom" di Kota Tasik pernah saya rasakan.

Waktu itu saya belum tahu apa-apa tentang umpan. Ketika teman saya memberikan resep umpan, yang di antaranya harus mencampurkan mentega jenis tertentu, saya mengolahnya. Tapi kemudian salah mengolahnya. Karena belakangan diketahui, saya tak mendapatkan seekor ikan pun.

Ketika saya minta pertanggung jawaban teman yang sudah memberikan resep umpan tadi, dan tidak menghasilkan (teu disorang-sorang acan), ia malah balik bertanya: "sudah pas nggak takarannya?"

Saya jawab: "semua bahan yang ada dalam resep yang diberikan, rasanya tidak ada yang ketinggalan".

"Pemakaian menteganya berapa sendok?"

"Ya dua sendok makan".

Ketika mendengar jawaban itu, ia malah tertawa terbahak-bahak, dan saya hanya mengernyitkan kening. "Kenapa?"

"Ya, kalau diberi dua sendok makan mentega mah pasti ikannya pada kabur. Seharusnya memakai mentega hanya dua sendok teh saja".

Mendengar penjelasan teman saya itu, saya pun jadi ikut tertawa. Karena tak mengira pemakaian menteganya kebanyakan sekali. Padahal besarnya umpan hasil racikan saya sendiri itu hanya jadi sebesar kepalan tangan bayi.

Pantesan. Ketika seorang pemancing asal Manonjaya di sebelah saya terus-terusan dapat ikan, saya hanya bisa menonton saja.

Lucunya, orang tua di sebelah saya itu pura-pura tidak bisa melontar kail ke tengah kolam, dan ia melontar kail hanya tiga meter di depannya.

Sedangkan lebar kolam hingga "blower" tidak lebih dari sepuluh meter. Tapi, "teu eureun-eureun" kailnya disambar ikan. "Clom giriwil tea meureun ceuk urang Sunda mah. He he". Padahal lemparan kail saya sampai jauh dekat "blower". Dan hasilnya kalah oleh orangtua yang melempar kail tidak jauh dari tempatnya.

Buy In the Market
WHY I like mancing. Its story is true length. At one time my neighbour, the " A" saying: " If wishing fish, just buy in market".
Cusorily that word it is true rather is alluding to. But, after thinking, in the reality that utterance meaning is equal to reason of which is often thrown by the " B", devotee of fishing.
All devotee having hoby fishing in pool, often also throw utterance to one who do not like fishing, with word: " Yes if wishing fish just buy in market. We non wishing fish but wish "disanggut" (Sunda bhs), eatable. Its meaning wish to earn fish from result of fishing.
Cause anyway, not rarely there is anecdot, if a angler cannot a fish even also, he will go to market buy fresh goldfish, for example, as " present" to be brought to house, so that which at home assume we earn fish from result of fishing.
Become, word the " A" with the " B" is same, with the meaning if wishing fish have to go to market. But, its really far differ.

The " A" saying so because its busy there is no need to intention fish fish. While the " B" channelling its talent of him, because anyway if wishing to earn easy fish buy in market have. That Experience stock to, in the reality I have hoby fish until now.
First bitter experience when plunging to world of mancing in pool fishing of goldfish " Bum-bum" in Town Iake I have ever felt.
At that time I not yet known something about bait. When my friend give bait recipe, what among others have to mix certain type butter, I process it. But wrong to later;then processing [him/ it]. Because known latter, I do not get a fish even also
When me ask pertanggung of friend answer which have given mentioned bait recipe, and do not yield, he also return to enquire: " have snugly nope its measuring?

I answer: " all existing materials in given recipe, likely nothing that under developed.
"Usage butter it how many spoon?
"Yes two tablespoon".
When hearing that answer, he also burst out, and I am only bend eyebrow. "Why?"
"Yes, if given by two butter tablespoon of sure of its fish turning tail. Ought to wear butter only two just teaspoon.
Hearing clarification of my friend that, I even also become to follow to laugh. Because do not predict usage butter most once. Though the level of bait result of mix myself that only becoming equal to fist of baby hand.
Reasonable. When a angler of Manonjaya in side interminable me earn fish, I am only can justly look on.
Joke him, old fellow in side I that pretend cannot throw to fish to is middle of pool, and he throw to fish only three metre in front of him.
While is wide of pool till " blower" at the most ten metre. But, never stop fish him pounced by fish. Though hurl fish me until far near by "blower". And result him fail by parent which throw to fish do not far from its place.


Racikan RAHASIA No 1.

1. Dawegan lumeho (kelapa muda): 1 butir.

2.Telor bebek putihnya 2 biji.

3.Telor asin merahnya 2 biji.

4. Keju kraf yg tipis 1 lembar.

5. Deho setengah kaleng buang minyaknya.

6. Susu Dankow 2 sendok.

7. Umpan "Atang" 2 kantong.

8. Kroto 2 ons.

9. Piskes Cirata.

Cara Membuat :

No. 1 s.d 7 diaduk pakai blender, dan sesudah halus masukan ke dalam besek, lalu masukan no 8. (kroto yg bersih aduk pake garpu). Kukus selama 20 menit dalam besek, selanjutnya dinginkan dulu (diangin-angin).

Bila terlalu encerlembek campurkan no 9 piskes Cirata, supaya agak keras. Insya Alloh ikannya mau makan. Met mencoba umpan made in H. Yayat.

Catatan: Yang sudah-sudah terbukti 46 ekor terpancing. Jika ada komplain hubungi H. Yayat.

Tambahan.Jaer cekap nu saageung tilu jari, ulah ageung teuing. Trs saat jaer digodog, langkung sae budahna (nu ngarambang, harinyai) dicampurkeun kana adonan supados hanyir.



1. Setengah butir dawegan (degan) lumeho.

2. Sepuluh buah koya (satu pak).

3. Satu set susu Dancow kecil

4. Satu butir telur bebek putihnya saja


Semua dihancurkan dalam blender, setelah halus campurkan 5 ekor ikan Mujaer, yg sudah dikukus (daging saja) ke dlm blender.

Setelah merata tambahkan kroto tapi jngan diblender, cukup diaduk pake garpu. Setelah campur/galo, terus dikukus/seupan. (kalo bisa dikukus pake daun pisang jangan pake plastik agar tidak bau).

Umpan siap saji, jika terlalu lunak saat digunakan campurkan koya kacang ijo secukupnya.


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